Process of

VAT refund

The first step in VAT recovery is the analysis of VAT recovery possibilities based on the documentation that the client will provide. The VAT refund procedure (VAT refund) includes several different procedures including: checking and analysis of existing documentation, selection of valid documents, direct consultation with the client, preparation and submission of requests, etc. Customers do not incur any financial or other charges to us until they receive approvals for positively resolved refund requests. In order to make a VAT refund, you need: original invoices (preferably in the name of the company), confirmation from the local tax authority that the company is in the VAT system, as well as other necessary documents prescribed by the tax administrations of the countries from which we are requesting a VAT refund.

Macedonian companies can make refunds from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, South Korea, Luxembourg, Serbia, Malta, Monaco, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia , Sweden, Switzerland, V. Britain. .

Foreign legal entities registered in the following countries have the right to refund Macedonian VAT: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Montenegro, Denmark, Netherlands, Croatia, Germany, Norway, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Great Britain Britain.